Organized Chaos

Life as an Associate Pastor's wife: community, family and God

A Weedless Life July 18, 2012

Filed under: Inspiration,Nature / Landscape — Jessi @ 10:18 am

This past winter, Bill and I had our front yard landscaped with new flowers and plants. Since Florida is mostly warm and sunny year round, it seems like there’s always something in bloom, including that 5 letter dirty word…weeds. Even if you don’t landscape or have landscaping, you know what a weed is. describes it as a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop. Did you catch that last part? It’s not just that weeds make your garden look ugly, but if left to their own devices, they can actually cause harm to the good plant. The same can be said about the WEEDS in our own lives. If we are not constantly tending to our thoughts/actions, it’s easy to find ourselves smothered in sin. How do we get rid of our WEEDS? We have to daily die to self and trust the One who is weedless. We will always have WEEDS in our lives, but Christ came so that His perfection, goodness and glory cover our WEEDS so that God sees a beautiful and weedless garden.


Butterfly in Hiding October 17, 2011

Filed under: Inspiration,Nature / Landscape,Photography — Jessi @ 12:35 pm
Butterfly in Hiding by jessiwhitt
Butterfly in Hiding, a photo by jessiwhitt on Flickr.

A few weeks ago, I went on a photo walk in Tradition, FL with other photographers in the Port Saint Lucie area. I captured this little beauty by happenstance. I thought the yellow flowers popped next to the greenery so I started snapping away, and when I looked at the digital display on my camera, I happened to see not only beautiful yellow flowers, but also a gorgeous butterfly in hiding. It was camouflaged so well by it’s surroundings that I almost missed it. It wasn’t until my camera zoomed in with it’s telephoto lens that I was able to see a clearer picture. It’s a lot like life. Our vision or thoughts can often become clouded by the hustle and bustle going on around us that we often miss what’s right in front of us. We need to change our perspective. Take a timeout and reflect on God’s goodness. You might just find a butterfly in hiding in the process.


Punkin Chunkin Fun October 25, 2010

Filed under: Entertainment,Family,Holidays,Nature / Landscape — Jessi @ 8:41 am


We ventured over to Williams Orchard for the day. We successfully battled our way through a corn maze.

The most impressive thing though was this contraption they call a Punkin Chunkin Machine. This thing is the coolest. It can shoot a pumpkin 1/4 of a mile... maybe more.

This is one of my favorite photos of the day! Bill and our niece on the Punkin Pickin Bus.

Our trip to Williams Orchard is my kind of love language. My heart was giddy all day! I love new adventures.


Dont Go Chasing waterfalls September 2, 2010

Filed under: Hiking,Nature / Landscape — Jessi @ 9:13 am

The one thing that I have been wanting to do all summer is hike to the Cascades in Pembroke, VA, and it finally happened this past weekend. Our friends invited us to go along with them and their youth group. It just so happened that we had no other plans, except maybe our afternoon Sunday nap, but the sacrifice was well worth it. We even took our little man... well he isn't so little, but Marley had a great time getting all wet and a lot muddy.

This was a refreshing hike, and it was even better that we got to spend it with our friends, Jason, Kat and their dog Bentley. They are an awesome couple who are doing amazing things for the Lord.

Check out their story.


Springtime Adventures April 25, 2010

Filed under: Inspiration,Nature / Landscape,Photography — Jessi @ 8:25 pm

A couple weeks ago Bill and I took a few photography buffs on a Spring photo shoot to Mountain Lake, VA. It is about an hour from where we live in WV, and it just so happens to be the location where my favorite movie of ALL time was filmed. Dirty Dancing!

Curvy mountain roads on our way to Mountain Lake.

Covered bridges are so rustic. Makes me think of Little House on the Prairie.

Not so lake-like Mountain Lake.

Practicing some artsy shots.

City street with beautiful blooms